

Position Statements & Briefing Notes

On 22nd of February each year, Nile Basin Discourse (NBD) joins the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) and other stakeholders on the Nile to celebrate the Regional Nile Day, as commemoration for the establishment of the NBI in 1999. This day marks a major milestone in the history of Nile Cooperation as the first successful basin-wide initiative on the Nile. The Nile Day 2023 celebrations were held in Nairobi, Kenya and the NBD Network delivered this statement through the NBD Board Chair. The NBD Network...
NBD's MESSAGE ON INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY 2022 Theme: Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow ..NBD recognises that there is no force more powerful than a woman determined to rise; women are already the primary water decision-makers in households but rarely involved in the higher policy-making echelon as water decisions are...
Between late November and early December 2021, NBD implemented trans-boundary communities dialogues on the trans-boundary Mara River Basin project -  a trans-boundary project of NBI’s NELSAP. The implementation was done in collaboration with NELSAP, the Governments of the two riparian states of Kenya and Tanzania, participating institutions, and the beneficiaries of the shared investment project.The dialogues were implemented as part of the activities under NBD's CIWA/WB supported project: “Engaging Civil Society for Social and Climate...
Between late November and early December 2021, NBD implemented trans-boundary communities dialogues on the trans-boundary Mara River Basin project -  a trans-boundary project of NBI’s NELSAP. The implementation was done in collaboration with NELSAP, the Governments of the two riparian states of Kenya and Tanzania, participating institutions, and the beneficiaries of the shared investment project.The dialogues were implemented as part of the activities under NBD's CIWA/WB supported project: “Engaging Civil Society for Social and Climate...
IN NUMBERS=> US$2,500,000 disbursed to NBD from 2014-2019=> 1, 568 direct beneficiaries reached in ten countries=> 533 youth and Women attended capacity development on Resilience to Climate change in ten countriesOn November 30th, 2013, NBD a grant from CIWA/World Bank to implement the project ‘Engaging Civil Society for Social and Climate Resilience in the Nile Basin (P132448). The initial phase ran from February 2014 to 31st December 2016. Due to the successful implementation of the project, NBD received additional financing of US$...
On the 20th of December 2018, Nile Basin Discourse (NBD) organised a Trans-boundary Stakeholders’ Consultation Dialogue on the Baro-Akobo-Sobat (BAS) Multi-Purpose Water Resources Development and Management Project. Participants in this dialogue were from Ethiopia and South Sudan - mainly from the Baro-Akobo-Sobat sub-basin. They included government officials, civil society organizations, local community representatives, and the Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO).Those in attendance of this dialogue, in agreement with the NBD...
On the 7th of December 2018, Nile Basin Discourse (NBD) organised a Trans-boundary communities’ engagement on Lake Edward & Albert Fisheries and Water Resources Management Project (Leaf-II). The purpose of the trans-boundary communities’ engagement platform was to find out from the Lake Edward-Albert Basin (LEAB) communities’ understanding of the project and its likely impact to the livelihood; their opinions and likely contribution to its sustainability.Representatives of local Communities from the Republic of Uganda and the Democratic...
Theme: Putting Water at the Heart of Regional TransformationDear citizens of the Nile,Greetings and Happy Nile Day 2019, and NBI at 20 yearsOn behalf of the Nile Basin Discourse and on my own behalf, allow me to express my deep pleasure on being part of the celebrations of the regional Nile Day of February 22nd 2019, and the NBI at 20 years. I say thank you to NBI and to the Republic of Rwanda for hosting this historical day here in Kigali- Rwanda..........This statement was delivered by Ms....
On the 14th of June 2017, Nile Basin Discourse in collaboration with Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program - Coordination Unit (NELSAP-CU), the government of South Sudan, the government of Uganda and the trans-national communities around the Nyimur Multipurpose project held a trans-boundary community consultation meeting that took place at Waligo Border Point.The meeting was aimed at engaging communities from Magwi and Pageri counties of South Sudan, and Paracele Parish, Palabek Ogili from Lamwo district of Uganda on the planned NBI...
Key Messages This policy brief presents a message of a holistic and comprehensive approach that seeks climate change adaptation in the context of water resources management. The approach is formed of six interrelated blocks need to be implemented collectively: A. Ensure political commitment towards climate change adaptation, B. Strengthen the regulatory framework that regulates climate change adaptation, C. Strengthen the institutional capacity related to climate change adaptation, D. Integrate climate change dimensions into...


Regional Nile Women network statements and briefs

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