

NBD Strategy Documents

This document is a finalized version. The finalization has been undertaken with support from the Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA) funding managed by World Bank, under the Project: “Engaging civil society for social and climate resilient in the Nile Basin” of 2013 to 2019.The draft developed by the Nile Basin Discourse (NBD) in 2012, with support from the Department for International Development (DFID) – GoV.UK funding. The NBD then in 2012 had undertaken several staff and partner consultations in defining its monitoring...
The Communication and Outreach – NBD Strategy (2016), is a finalized version of an earlier draft by the Nile Basin Discourse (NBD) in 2012, with support from the Department for International Development (DFID) – GoV.UK funding.   The finalization, which brings together the two elements of communication and outreach, has been undertaken with support from the Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA) funding managed by World Bank, under the Project: “Engaging civil society for social and climate resilience in the Nile Basin” of 2013...

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