Break-away Focus Group Discussions during a RNDF Women's Training on Water for Environmental sustainability (Drought and Risk Mitigation) - October, 2021
Rwanda Nile Discourse Forum Delegates at the NBD 2021 General Assembly - Nairobi, Kenya
The NDF in Rwanda was legally registered in 2006 as Nile Basin Discourse Forum. The main mission of the Rwanda NDF is to bring the Civil Society Organisations in Rwanda to a level of fully playing their role in the Nile Basin development designed by the Nile Basin Initiative through competence development, capacity building, setting up networks and solid links on all the levels of the Civil Society and the Government.
The NDF currently has 38 CSO members and with no individual members. Since 2012, Rwanda NDF (RNDF) has been able to secure external funding and therefore has remained very active in the areas of solar energy generation, climate change, water harvesting, clean drinking water, conflict resolution and agriculture. It is able to present its issues every month to Rwanda people through one of the national television stations.
RNDF has a strict membership criterion and this explains why it is among the smallest NDFs in the Basin in terms of the size of CSO membership. A CSO aspiring to become a member has to demonstrate its achievements and provide innovative ways in which it will contribute to the welfare of the NDF. RNDF, just like other CSOs in Rwanda, is under the regulation of Rwanda Governance Board (RGB).
The NDF has a very simple structure that allows CSO members to have direct representation to the national executive committee (Functional organisation Structure). It has also an independent office in Kigali.
NDF Contacts:
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