? South Sudan Nile Discourse Forum at a Glance

SSNDF envisions to be the Leading agency to provide sustainable, Social & economic development for all peoples of South Sudan & the Nile basin, free of conflict, leading to achievement of justice, human rights, good governance, poverty eradication, and environmental protection.
NDF Contacts:
Physical Address:Hai Mouna, Juba - South Sudan
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +211 923 213048, +211 916 941948
? SSNDF Leadership
South Sudan Nile Discourse Forum Leadership

Peter Mawa Sabastian
Chairperson - SSNDF
Vice Chairperson - Regional Board
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John Leju
Vice Chairperson - SSNDF
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Rapheal Sebit
Secretary General - SSNDF
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Viola Umjima
Treasurer - SSNDF
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Francis Guya
Board member - SSNDF
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Sarah Zachariah
Board member - SSNDF
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Kakule John
Member - SSNDF
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