

Success Stories

Sudan has been identified as one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. It suffers from limited water resources and cycles of the occurrence of drought that negatively affect the livelihood of many communities. According to the vulnerability zones mapping, Makahaya- located southwest of Umm Rawaba town in Kordfan - has been identified as the most vulnerable area in Sudan. Makahay has a total area of 380,000 square kilometres representing 24% of Sudan's total area.Download the full story Publication dateMonday, 18 February...
Rwanda, among other East African countries, faces growing challenges of climate change impacts which are characterized by rainfall variability, landslides, drought, and floods in the region for the last decades with negative consequences on crop production and livelihoods in the rural communities. Most of the communities do not know how to cope with the changes in climates due to lack of knowledge or understanding of the rain pattern changes which affected negatively the livelihood. Nile Basin Discourse Forum in Rwanda carried out a six...
The NBI Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP) includes all NBI member countries except Ethiopia. It has a coordination unit based in Kigali, Rwanda which facilitates project processes in the region. NELSAP has within the Nile Basin Institutional Strengthening Programme (ISP) framework leveraged substantial investment funding to scale up its projects in Natural Resources Management, Hydropower Development and Power Trade.Download the full story Publication dateWednesday, 23 May 2012Publication typeSuccess StoriesDownload the...
The Congolese Nile basin area neighbors Rwanda and Uganda. The area is mainly powered by several activities among them agriculture (crop and animal farming). Through network development, many stakeholders have come on board to promote livelihoods and reduce poverty in this area. One such group is the Solidarité des organisations des femmes et jeunes producteurs Agricoles pour le Renforcement des Capacités d’Auto promotion (SOFEJEP), a CSO, and...Download the full story Publication dateTuesday, 17 January 2012Publication typeSuccess...
The Congolese Nile basin area neighbors Rwanda and Uganda. The area is mainly powered by several activities among them agriculture (crop and animal farming). Through network development, many stakeholders have come on board to promote livelihoods and reduce poverty in this area. One such group is the Solidarité des organisations des femmes et jeunes producteurs Agricoles pour le Renforcement des Capacités d’Auto promotion (SOFEJEP), a CSO, and...Download the full story Publication dateTuesday, 17 January 2012Publication typeSuccess...

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